Create a CodeGrade assignment in Blackboard


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The guide below assumes CodeGrade has been successfully integrated into your Blackboard environment as external LTI app.

Creating a new CodeGrade assignment in Blackboard will correctly add this assignment to the corresponding course in CodeGrade, a new course will automatically be created in CodeGrade if it doesn’t exist. Follow the steps below to create a new CodeGrade assignment in Blackboard:

  1. Hover over “Build Content”.

  2. Under “Create”, select “CodeGrade”.

  3. Add a name and optionally a description for your assignment.

  4. Set “Points Possible” to something greater than 0, e.g. 10.

  5. Do not set a due date.

  6. Click “Submit” to create the assignment.

  7. Click on the newly created assignment and CodeGrade will open.

  8. Click the link in the CodeGrade container to set a deadline/due date within CodeGrade.


Always set “Points Possible” to a value greater than 0. Never set a Due Date in Blackboard, instead manage the due date inside CodeGrade.


Grades are automatically sent back to Blackboard after setting the assignment state to () Done in CodeGrade. While the assignment is in the () Done state, all grades and changes to grades are immediately sent back to Blackboard.


Students can hand in and review their feedback from within the CodeGrade container in Blackboard.