LMS Integration


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CodeGrade works together with learning management systems (LMS) with the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. This chapter explains integrating CodeGrade into your LMS and CodeGrade’s behaviour when working together with your LMS.

For exact details on how to add CodeGrade as an external tool in your LMS, which should be done by the system administrator of the LMS, please contact us.


CodeGrade integrates with the Blackboard Learn learning management system through LTI. New CodeGrade assignments can then be created from within Blackboard.

To create a CodeGrade assignment in Blackboard, go to a course’s Content page and select CodeGrade from the Build Content menu.


For the new assignment, do not turn off the Enable Evaluation option, and make sure that Points Possible is set to a number greater than 0, otherwise grades will not appear in Blackboard’s grade center.

Also, do not set a deadline for the assignment in Blackboard. Blackboard will mark all submissions late. Instead, immediately after creation of the new assignment, visit the assignment in CodeGrade and set the deadline there.


When CodeGrade is connected to Blackboard, all assignments should be graded on a scale from 0 to 10 in CodeGrade. When the maximum points that can be achieved should be something other than 10, the Points Possible option can be set in Blackboard for the assignment. Blackboard will then scale the grade it received from CodeGrade linearly to this value.


CodeGrade integrates with the Brightspace Learning management system through LTI. New CodeGrade assignments can then be created from within Brightspace.


Setting a deadline, or other visibility rules in Brightspace, are not synchronized with CodeGrade. You should set a deadline in CodeGrade after creating an assignment, as otherwise students will not be able to submit their work.


CodeGrade works together with the popular open-source learning management system Canvas through LTI. By integrating CodeGrade as an external app in Canvas, CodeGrade assignments can be created.

It is now possible to create CodeGrade assignments in your Canvas course. Choose the External Tool option as Submission Type and select CodeGrade in the Find menu.


We recommend grading assignments in CodeGrade’s stand-alone environment so more screen-space is used for grading. Your are automatically logged in to this environment with a linked CodeGrade account after opening CodeGrade through Canvas.


CodeGrade integrates with the Moodle learning management system through LTI. New CodeGrade assignments can then be created from within Moodle.


Setting a deadline, or other visibility rules in Moodle, do not sync to CodeGrade. You should set a deadline in CodeGrade after creating an assignment, as otherwise students will not be able to submit their work.


When CodeGrade is connected to Moodle, all assignments should be graded on a scale from 0 to 10 in CodeGrade. Scaling, and maximum points can be set in Moodle.


CodeGrade integrates with the Sakai learning management system through LTI. New CodeGrade assignments can be created from within Sakai.


Setting a deadline, or other visibility rules in Sakai, do not sync to CodeGrade. You should set a deadline in CodeGrade after creating an assignment, as otherwise students will not be able to submit their work.

Other LMS

CodeGrade is currently working on adding support for more learning management systems too. Please contact us for more information about support of your learning management system.

CodeGrade LMS Behaviour

CodeGrade works together with the learning management system through LTI to synchronise i.a. users, courses, assignments and grades. The following behaviour is specified:

Creating Courses or Assignments

Course and assignment creation is done using your learning management system environment. A corresponding CodeGrade course will automatically be created When creating a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS. Management of your assignment is mainly done in CodeGrade. The assignment name and deadline, however, are managed in your LMS, and optionally the state (e.g. published or unpublished) if your LMS supports it.


Assignment and course names do not have to be unique.


The LMS assignment states unpublished and published correspond with CodeGrade’s hidden and open states, respectively. CodeGrade’s done state does not correspond with any LMS state and does not automatically change with LMS assignment management.

Users are not added to the CodeGrade course right away, however only added to CodeGrade after opening the CodeGrade assignment in the LMS. Users’ roles are automatically saved from the LMS to CodeGrade when creating an assignment, however these can be changed inside CodeGrade later on.


When grading in CodeGrade is done, grades can be passed back to the LMS by manually setting the assignment state to done in CodeGrade (see Assignment States). Grades saved when the assignment state already is done are automatically passed back to the LMS.


Grades are not automatically passed back to the LMS but require the CodeGrade assignment state to be set to done.

Setting the CodeGrade assignment state back to not done will not automatically hide grades in your LMS, but only hide the grades in CodeGrade. Setting the assignment to muted in your LMS will also not hide the grades in CodeGrade if the assignment state is done. This is because of the fact that CodeGrade’s done state does not correspond with any LMS state and does not automatically change with LMS assignment management yet.

Account Linking

Accounts in your LMS are automatically linked or synchronised to CodeGrade accounts. Opening a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS will automatically log you in to CodeGrade with a CodeGrade account that is linked to your LMS account. CodeGrade has specified behaviour for multiple cases:

  • A new CodeGrade account will be created and linked to your LMS account if you open a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS and no existing CodeGrade account is linked yet.

  • Your current CodeGrade account will be linked to your LMS account if you are logged in to CodeGrade and open a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS and your current CodeGrade account is not yet linked.

  • You will automatically log in to the CodeGrade account linked to your LMS account if you open a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS and you are currently not logged in to CodeGrade.

  • You will switch CodeGrade accounts if you are currently logged in to a CodeGrade account but another CodeGrade account is linked to your LMS account while opening a CodeGrade assignment in your LMS.