Overview of CodeGrade


CodeGrade has a Help Center, with better guides, more videos and updated documentation. The documentation and guides on this website are deprecated and will not be updated in the future. Please click here to go to this page on the Help Center!

CodeGrade can be used both as a stand-alone web application and as a module in your LMS. The following chapters apply to both situations. Please consult the LMS Integration chapter for detailed information of integrating CodeGrade with your Learning Management System.

This chapter provides a brief overview of the components and navigation in CodeGrade.


CodeGrade uses an extensive permissions system that may allow certain features to be disabled on your CodeGrade account.

General Site

CodeGrade allows for the creation of courses and assignments.


CodeGrade assignments can also be created in co-operative Learning Management Systems.

Each assignment is part of a course and each course can have multiple assignments linked to it. All courses and assignments have individual settings pages. With the right permissions these pages allow for adding users to the course, changing the details of an assignment, dividing submissions over teachers, setting up automatic testing, setting hand-in requirements, sending notifications to students and teachers and adding or customizing rubrics.

Assignments handed in via CodeGrade can be viewed using the Codeviewer. The Codeviewer allows for a convenient way to review and grade submissions online. The features include line for line feedback and a file browser.

New courses can be created by the site administrators. They can also add students, teachers and teaching assistants to these courses. New roles can be created and permissions of existing roles can be altered by site administrators too. All users on CodeGrade can set personal site preferences and edit account information.


The CodeGrade Filesystem (or CodeGra.fs) can be used in combination with the web application. It can mount a local CodeGrade instance on your computer to browse the assignments and files on the server. The filesystem can be used for students to locally work on the CodeGrade mount and thus automatically hand in the assignment with each save. For teachers the filesystem can be used to locally grade work without any overhead using a preferred editor.

All features of the online Codeviewer (e.g. line for line feedback, filling in rubrics and adding general grades and feedback) can also be done locally using the filesystem. Editor plugins can be installed and used for most popular editors to enable this.

Account Management

Creating a new account

You must have a CodeGrade account in order to use CodeGrade and follow courses. If your CodeGrade instance is linked with a Learning Management System (LMS) a new account will automatically be registered when you visit your first CodeGrade assignment in your LMS.

Otherwise you can create an account by navigating to your institute’s CodeGrade site (e.g. uva.codegra.de) and clicking the ‘Register’ button. Here you can register a new account by entering your full name, a valid email address and a password. Also a unique username has to be chosen to finish registration, please keep in mind that this username cannot be changed after your registration is complete.

You are now registered and logged in to CodeGrade!


Registering a new account in this way may not be available on your CodeGrade instance.

Logging in to an existing account

There are multiple ways to log in to CodeGrade. If you visit CodeGrade via your Learning Management System (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.) you do not need to enter any password as you will automatically be logged in. If you are on a standalone CodeGrade instance, you can log in either with a username and password combination or via a single sign-on (SSO) provider.

To log in with your username and password, you need to already have registered an account. Visit <instance>.codegra.de, click ‘Login’ in the sidebar, and enter your username and password. After clicking the ‘Login’ button you are now logged in to CodeGrade!

To log in with SSO select your institution in the list of SSO providers. You will be taken to a page where you can log in to the SSO system, which will take you back to CodeGrade afterwards. When you return you will be logged in to CodeGrade.

Click ‘Forgot password’ in the case you have forgotten your password. After entering your username, a temporary link will be sent in an email which allows you to reset your password. Please consult your institute in the case of a forgotten username or an incorrect email address.


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