Continuous Feedback


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CodeGrade Continuous Feedback allows students to instantly get insightful automated feedback every time they hand in a new revision of their submission.

The results of Continuous Feedback allow students to revise their work and start processing feedback even before the deadline.


Continuous Feedback uses the AutoTest configuration and tests. Enabling Continuous Feedback for your assignment can be done by setting the Result Visibility to Immediate.

Differentiate between AutoTest and Continuous Feedback

It is oftentimes wished to not include all tests in your Continuous Feedback runs. Disable and hide an individual test for Continuous Feedback by toggling the button next to this test. This results in the test not being executed in the Continuous Feedback runs and hides details from students in the AutoTest results. AutoTest is automatically run again within 30 minutes after the deadline to execute the hidden steps.


It is good practice to disable heavy / long tests in the Continuous Feedback runs to optimize performance.