.. _groups-chapter: Groups ======== .. deprecation_note:: /user-reference/groups CodeGrade supports group assignments through the concept of *group sets* and *groups*. This chapter explains these concepts and how to create and use group assignments. Group set ----------- Groups are connected to a *group set*, this group set is in turn is coupled to zero or more assignments. A group set determines the minimum and maximum size for each group in this group set. To create a group set go to the :ref:`course management page ` and select the *Groups* tab. Here you can add and delete group sets. After you have created a group set you can connect this group set to an assignment. To do this go to the :ref:`assignment management page ` and go to the *Group Assignment* tab, select the wanted group set and press *Submit*. You can connect a group set to multiple assignments, which then share the same groups. When an assignment is a group assignment it is impossible for students to submit when they are not in a group, or when their group is smaller than the minimum size. Groups -------- Groups are connected to a group set. For each group set students are connected to one or zero groups. When navigating pages of a course with group sets a new button should appear in the sidebar, the *Groups* button. After clicking on this button and selecting a group set you can add, delete and change groups for this group set. By default students can join groups, leave groups, and edit the name of their group. See :ref:`permissions chapter ` for more information. Students also get prompted a pop-up when submitting to a group assignment if they are not in a group or if their group is too small. Using they pop-up they can join and create groups. It is currently not possible to randomly assign students to groups.